Thursday, October 27, 2011

Playing with objects

So, in my creative writing class yesterday, my professor brought in four items: an apple, an orange, a piece of rope, and a pair of scissors. She had us spend two or three minutes with each item, detailing taste-smell-touch-etc, as well as the memories involved with such items. Afterwards, she had us spend about five minutes or so writing something with these four items, using our just-written notes to help us.

A last harvest on the farm, apples strewn like leaves in the Fall, sweet and soft. Oranges plucked in droves, a fresh treat, a last taste of summer, the soft innards sweet and light on the tongue like summer sunlight. Children running underfoot, laughing, stealing fruit out of poorly attended baskets. Young couples make a game of the apple picking, racing to see which pair can fill a basket most in an allotted time - he dashes up, scaling the branches with ease and dropping them down to her, or she, hiking up her skirts, pulls herself up to meet him.
Farmers in a nearby field roll up massive bales of hay and tie them 'round and 'round with twine. One of the young lovers laughs and nudges her partner, whispering a scandalous question about whether or not he would like to tie up her wrists tight like those bales. Another pair shares an orange under the shade of their tree, game forgotten. They lick their sticky fingers clean, careful not to miss a drop, and he leans forward to taste the juice on her lips.
Children sit in the sun, cutting up paper with child's safety scissors, making decorations for the feast that is sure to follow such a harvest and long day's work.

(To Gee - does it remind you of a certain scene in a certain book?)

1 comment:

  1. Yes, actually, it does quite remind me of a certain scene in a certain book. It also makes me want some sort of strange country-side fall. With apples and cider with oranges and bits of cinnamon in it.
