Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Two poems I've been playing with for awhile. The 'you' in the two poems is the same person, I think.


A swatch of grey streaks low along
the skyline, like windblown
Smoke, underbelly tinted in
And a full moon rises.

Wind whines through a forest’s darkling pines -
Trembling shadows against the horizon;
And the heady scent
Of a summer-storm lingers.

Rain in the limelight,
Each drop illuminated,
Frosted and silver.

And, even unseen, you. Always,

Hair as dark as the bruised-blue of midnight,
Rain water glinting off your perpetually tussled curls
Like stars.

Eyes of honeyed darkness:
Tender fragility ensconced in steel bars;
Altogether damnably captivating.

Freckles like scattered fairy dust across moonbeam skin;
Full lips made for caressing my name
And pulling fragile smiles.

Delicate curves and sharp bones;
Gasping noises and sugar on the tongue.

Moonlight shudders on a murky, rain-spattered lake
And I can hear the sound of you calling my name,
Beckoning me further into the



Wreaths of grey linger in the air,
forming mock-halos over
your dark shock of curls,
and I drown in the edged curve of your smile.

Second hand smoke might
kill me baby…

…but I’d die a hundred times over
just to feel your lips pressed against mine
once more, shot-gunning cancer
straight into my lungs -
the sweetest injection of toxicity a girl could ever know.

Going into both poems, the 'you' character was not supposed to have curly hair. Gah.